CSA Dinner

August 4, 2010 § Leave a comment

One thing that I truly enjoy about being a participant in a CSA is the fact that you are forced to eat local produce, at least I am. I am not going to spend the money to let the food go to waste. This has centered many of my meals around local produce and makes me be a little more creative. However because the food is local, I often have similar ingredients week after week.

I had some red skin potatoes that I needed to use as well as some corn. I didn’t want oven baked potatoes and didn’t feel like making a casserole type of dish, so I settled on garlic mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and toquitoes from Trader Joes.

The final presentation:

I realized after I plated that I could have used more color on my plate 🙂

In other news I went to the chiropractor today and found out I have 3 pinched nerves! No wonder why I have been in so much pain/having a hard time sleeping. I have been icing my neck all afternoon and I am going to do some stretches and try to catch a couple of yoga classes this week.

Have you ever pinched a nerve? What did you do to help it?

With Corn-e- Love,


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